Saturday, January 25, 2020

Importance For Effective Care Management Nursing Essay

Importance For Effective Care Management Nursing Essay Under the Nursing and Midwifery Council Guidance on professional conduct confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained at all times to protect the identity of service users, careers, families, healthcare settings and professionals involved (NMC 2009). The NMC Standard of proficiency for pre-registration nursing education (2004) requires student nurses to complete set proficiency, this is to ensure they have the appropriate knowledge and skill required to become a qualified registered nurse. Through learning these specific skills and acquiring the appropriate knowledge, student nurses will be able to perform the role suitable to the position of a qualified staff nurse. One standard of proficiency for entry to the register is care management. Under the domain of care management one must: Demonstrate knowledge of effective inter-professional working practices which respect and utilize the contributions of members of the health and social care team, Delegate duties to others, as appropriate, ensuring that they are supervised and monitored and Demonstrate key skills (such as literacy, numeracy and computer skills needed to record, enter, store, retrieve and organize data essential for care delivery (NMC 2004). The term management is a process of coordination and integration of resources through planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling to accomplish specific institutional goals and objectives (Huber 2006). In relation to care management the care of patients/clients goes through this process of being planned, organized, coordinated, directed and controlled (with input from the clients themselves) by the individual in charge of their care. My experience of care management was both exciting and terrifying. When I was in charge of a bay, I was involved in assessing, delegating and prioritizing patients needs, ensuring tasks such as patient washes, bed change and the drug round (using the seven rights) was completed safely and in an appropriate time. I also had to ensure tasks were being completed and that the workload was disturbed evenly with appropriate help. I was also involved in a working with and exchanging information in a multidisciplinary team, such as doctors, surgeons, physiotherapist and social workers. In order to succeed in care management, there are many skills one must acquire and build on. One of these skills is known as time management. Time management is making optimal use of time available. There are three basic steps to time management, first is setting aside time for planning and establishing priorities. Second is completing the highest priority task first, when possible and finishing one task before starting another. Third is reprioritizing tasks when there is new information (Marquis and Huston 2009). Student nurses will go through a period of transition when they have qualified. By developing skills such as time management one can prepare themselves for the following role transition. The concept of role transition is used to refer to a process of changing from one state to another, a set of expectations that de ¬Ã‚ ne the behavior deems appropriate for the position and involves changing the way one thinks, abilities and acts (Lee, Lin and Hu 2011). Considering the role of a student as a learner compared to the role of a qualified nurse of leading in care management and care delivery situations, maintaining standards of care, making ethical and legal decisions, being accountable, working in teams and teaching others (Burton and Ormrod 2011). When I was allocated my own bay, in terms of completing set task on time, the paper work and helping patients with their needs, time seemed to be my enemy. While being in charge I find it difficult to manage and it seemed as if tasks would increase as I was often interrupted by patients who needed assistant. However, having experience this, I realized the ability to manage my time effectively is very important. By using certain aspect of time management such as planning and prioritizing, caring out clients care occurs more efficiently. In terms of becoming a qualified staff nurse and having experience being in charge, being able to manage my time effectively will significantly help in terms of my role transition and ensuring that effective patient care will be carried out. Although my time management skill is not on par with those of an experience qualified nurse, I can improve. Reflection is a way of making sense of events, situations and actions that occurs. It enables an in-depth look at oneself, the patients and the care being provided. By using Gibbs (1998) model of reflection of description of event, identifying your feelings, evaluation the experience, analyze the experience, draw a conclusion with alternative actions and make and action plan for the further (Oelofsen  2012). On reflecting on how I have manage my time so far, I will be able to identify areas I need to further develop with an action plan/goals to work towards.. During an episode of my care management, the ward was under staff. As my mentor was a sister she was in charge and often out of my bay and I was alone. During that time managing my patients was difficult as a lot of tasks needed to be complete, such as bed baths, bed change, patient feeding, observations, patient assistant in transferring, daily wound dressing and paper work such as fluid and food charts. Instead of prioritizing, it was more of multitasking with no objective. This made managing my patients more difficult as what needed to done was not being done. It was made more difficult due to interruptions from patients, such as wanting a commode or bed pan. I was feeling overwhelmed, panic and stressed. I wasnt thinking about prioritizing or planning. I was just doing the tasks as I know them, when I get them and moving on as I finish. I kept on thinking of that there was so much to do; all I was focus on was the amount of tasks needed to be done. What was bad about this experience was the feelings of being overwhelm. What was good about this experience was even through I was going about thing in a round-about way. I was able to complete the majority of task that was needed to complete including those which were important. Looking at this situation my lack of planning and prioritizing my task let me down. Although multitasking is important in time management, however it is essential to recognize top priorities to ensure high quality nursing care for the patient under your care (Lipe Beasley 2004). To prioritize is to designate or treat (something) as being very or most important and to determine the order for dealing with (a series of items or tasks) according to their relative importance (Oxford Dictionaries 2012). There are strategies that allows for effective prioritizing. Sellman and Snelling (2010) suggest first categorizing tasks into two dimensions: their urgency and importance. If the task is urgent and important, do it. On the other hand if it is urgent but not important, delegate it. For those tasks that are not urgent but important, plan it. Lastly, if the task is both not urgent and not important, leave it. By using as strategies as this daily, one can improve on their time management. What I should have done was stop for few minutes, think, plan, prioritize and then do. What I have learnt, is not to look at the amount of task needed to be done. However, look at the important task first, complete them and this will allow for more time, with less urgency to complete the other tasks. If this situation was to arise again, I will not make the amount of tasks needed to be complete panic me or overwhelm me. I will make a list and prioritize each care/task. Another example of my inefficient time management was during a drug round one morning. It was time to prepare a drug trolley and I was unsure of what medication my patients were on. I told my mentor and was about to go check their drug charts. My mentor advised me to just get different type of analgesia, laxatives and that the rest will be in their drug pod. However, during the drug round, I kept on going back and forth to the drug cupboard. The time used was more than what was allocated. I kept on think this was taking too long, that it was getting very late to still be doing a drug round. I felt somewhat useless, each time I went back I felt slightly depressed. The longer it took the more a felt agitated and stressed. What was bad about this experience was what I was feeling. I also didnt stop to think of a solution. However, what was good was although I was agitated and stressed, I didnt make any mistakes and followed the five rights in drug administration. Looking at this situation/experience, if I had taken some time and had planned ahead it would have turned out differently. Planning is defined as the process of deciding in detail how to do something before actually starting to do it (Collins Dictionary 2012). Strategies for effective planning! Fore casting Firstly, during bed side handover, as I didnt know the patients I should have checked the drug chart then. I could also have negotiated with my mentor and asked to check the patients drug chart as I dont know them well enough. After the first or second trip back to the drug cupboard I could have just inform her I was just going to check the other drug charts to prevent me from return trips. I have learnt that also advice can be good, I must trust myself and do what I feel will make me more comfortable. If this was too happened again, would first make myself relax, stop and check the drug charts to prevent return trips. As indicated below, I have developed a personal development plan in the form of a table, to enable me to develop in the areas of planning and prioritizing, to ultimately improve my skills in time management: Objective / Developing needs What is hindering my progress? Action plan to achieve objective Review of progress / How and when To manage my time effectively by prioritizing task appropriately Taking on too much task Not delegating enough Under staff Multitasking without prioritizing Interruption with new tasks Compile a to do list Think what is urgent and important task Think what can be delegated and what can wait Weekly discussion with mentor Reflective diary for each day using Gibbs model Reflect on how much I have check off on my list each day review to do list I and see how much I was able to complete each day ask for feedback from mentor and other staff member To manage my time effectively by planning ahead Advice is good, however trust your self Not firm in saying your reasons Working with not enough information During hand over, write tasks next to patient name while circling those which are high priority. During bed side handover check patient drug chart and other care chart to get awareness. Check off what was completed to not confused my self Roughly, estimate time for each task While planning set aside time to concentrated on difficult task In conclusion care management is an important aspect in the education of student nurses. The skills involved in care management such as time management is important in the transition following being qualified. Time management is an important skill to delivering efficient patient care in the amount of time you have. Having the experience and developing my time management skill, I feel more confident and more prepared for the upcoming transition I will face. During my episode of care management, having to manage my time effectively, it has also increase my awareness of what will be expected in becoming a qualified staff nurses and the consequence of not being able to complete my tasks will have on my team. It has also made me realize the necessity of constant reflection on my skills and knowledge. Through reflection I have recognize my weakness and have built action plans to which I will work to achieve.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Online Learning

There are debates nowadays over online learning versus traditional learning. The article titled â€Å"Why Online Education Works†. It targets on the positive aspects of online college classes. The article states that online learning changes how universities teach which in turn there are significant advantages to it. The author, Alex Tabarrok describes the advantages of online education as leverage, which includes that the college student possesses the opportunity to be taught by the finest instructors, teachers can easily access more students, it can be time-saving, and it gives the student flexibility as well as more individualized teaching. I selected this subject because I understand the importance of online education and I as well think it is a great alternative to attending class. Many students nowadays are not the conventional learner and have to work and don't possess the time to commit in a classroom because of the type of employment I do. Needing to work a full-time job without having a regular schedule can make it tough to make it to school in time, this really is a primary reason it does work best for me. There is a lot to consider when deciding which course type, online or conventional will work best for you so you must be sure you are taking into account all sides, weighing out the advantages and drawbacks. The discussion Alex Tabarrok is establishing in the article is that online learning is significantly increasing the productivity and quality of educating. The argument relies on the author's analysis regarding how there has been little change to educational institutions that had been in a position to maintain their existence and how online education can possibly reach more students. He provides examples of the drawbacks to late night classes and how fatigue generally sets in after 9:30 pm. He also offers the argument of learners not being able to retain as much when they take a night course or their instructor being as sharp as they need to be due to the fatigue. The quality of knowledge being given or what the student is retaining will decrease due to being exhausted. The student will never be giving their best and they will not be getting the best from their instructor either (Tabarrok, 2012). Alex Tabarrok claims that the learners can be taught by the best instructors online and teachers may teach students from worldwide. To support this claim he uses the example of how his 15-minute TED talk video was among his best 15 minutes of teaching and was viewed over 700,000 times. That is similar to 175,000 student hours. Though TED talks are not regarded as a course that can count toward a degree, these are totally free and we can learn from them. He compares teaching today to a stage play, and online education is more similar to a movie. The reasons used to back up the claim of quality in the instructor is because, for a movie, the actors are better compared to the typical stage actor. Movie actors are better than the average stage actor for the reason that you have more time to prepare to be sure it is your best work. This is one-way online education leverages the power of the best instructors (Tabarrok, 2012). This is often regarded as biased since he is making the assumption that an online teacher is superior to a classroom teacher. Comparing a classroom teacher to a stage actor and an online instructor to a movie star is not a good explanation. An objection referred to with online education is the fact the classroom experience provides a greater opportunity for individualized learning, Alex Tabarrok see's it as the exact opposite.His argument is because online learning may be much more customized because you are not sitting in a classroom with 100 different students, it is more one on one along with you and the teacher. You will have the chance to ask questions and interact with the professor along with other individuals through electronic mail and discussion posts. His analysis demonstrated that at Virginia Tech, classes of 100-plus are not uncommon. It can be difficult for anyone in the classroom to have a chance to ask questions due to if every student has a question to ask, you will not have any time for the lesson. An example provided is in a class of 50, in the event that each learner got a question, there would be no time for a lecture. Questions could be asked at any time and do not interfere with a session. Also, professors who teach online courses are placed to a greater slandered due to the possibility of review. Which means that errors made by the teacher through online learning are easily caught through the classroom, the likelihood is no one is going to catch it. For instance, in the event that a student asks an instructor a question in the classroom, the teacher may answer incorrectly and it would most likely never be caught however this is not the case with online courses in which everything the instructor communicates is documented. He additionally points out that when in a classroom and 20% of the class requires something repeated, 80% of the students that got it are experiencing to hear it over again while the online students are actually in power over what they need to listen to the second time (Tabarrok, 2012).The most significant benefit of online learning is the flexibility. You can focus on your assignments when it is most convenient for you given that online programs offer 24/7 accessibility to the lesson's materials. A number of individuals may do their best work in the morning while some might at night, this allows you to do your work in the course of the hours you will be most productive (Hickey, 2017). It also helps if you are working full time and can't conveniently make it to school.Although Alex Tabarrok has a credential as an author, co-author, chairperson, director of research and co-founder of the online educational platform Marginal Revolution University and Professor of Economics at George Mason University, his arguments do not possess a lot of credibilities and are biased. For example, he uses the Ted Talk comparing it to teaching which is assuming that viewing the video is the equivalent of learning. He also fails to provide any specific counterarguments in his article to compare any other side. Although he gives numerous examples to back up his reasons he fails to present outside resources to back up each of his claims. Without having outside sources, it is hard to understand if the information he is providing in his argument is reliable or not.My point of view of my alternative argument is the fact that online learning can work and does provide many advantages. My premise is that technology has a positive roll in student learning since it is convenient and you obtain faster feedback on online education. I produce this claim as a result of the e-assessments which have been carried out and the results for online learning have been positive. This argument considers the effect of e-assessments. An e-assessment is referred to as the iterative procedures of developing what, how much and how well students are learning with regards to the education goals and projected results in an effort to inform designed formative feedback and support further learning (Baleni, A.G. pg2). A number of weak points in this argument are that online education might not work for everyone and additional research needs to be done to conclude if it is in fact better.An opposing side of the argument that I notice is the fact there is an intense requirement for self-discipline and although technology can play a positive role there can be limitations also. Alex Tabarrok doesn't discuss either of them in his argument of how online education is better nevertheless I consent that this could be an issue. When it comes to self-discipline, the article mentions how meeting the deadlines for assignments and tests can be hard unless you possess time management techniques and organization skill sets to stay on top of your work. With regards to the technological innovation, you must be sure that you always have accessibility to the internet considering that for any reason your system crashes or perhaps you don't have accessibility to the web you will have a backup plan.personally, I think that as a result of online education works for me, I am can be biased. The flexibility has afforded me the possibility to continue my learning while working full time. I don't always catch on as fast as other individuals so I need more time to work on assignments and usually require additional clarification on precisely what is expected however I am still capable to get it done due to the overall flexibility. In a classroom, I don't think I would feel at ease asking questions so it is less difficult online in which the communication between learners and the teacher is mainly one on one. I want to be open-minded and examine all sides of the arguments and feel that online education will work but may not be for everybody.Basically, I feel that online learning is beneficial but you need to be very self-disciplined and make sure you stay in front of your work and be prepared for any kind of challenges you may encounter. You have to create a connection with the professor and peers and stay engaged in the discussions. It will be helpful to be computer literate making sure you are utilizing all assets provided to you by the school.My initial opinions after reading Alex Tabarrok's article was that he made many legitimate points. That was not until I conducted further research and allowed myself to step back, reevaluate and ask questions that I understood his article was way more one-sided and biased. The questions I looked at to answer were, exactly what resources did he use, was his argument based upon facts and evidence or maybe opinions, furthermore, did he offer reasons why you should support his statements that were convincing. I had to ask myself how strong was his argument and can I find leads to refute it based on evidence. I had to put in writing a number of reasons exactly why I supported his side and then the reason why I would not examine whether an individual could argue that with me. How certain was I of my argument? This assisted me to believe logically and provide you with my conclusion. I think everybody is a little biased but we have to make sure we are doing the proper research and holding an open mind. It truly is about the facts along with the proof to support the claim. Keeping an open mind and trying to concentrate on the facts and proof will help everyone greatly in our daily lives. Often we jump to conclusions and allow our emotions get in the way. I have usually said doing the right thing is normally the toughest and trying to not be biased and act on emotions can be extremely difficult. We are only human and will fall short every day, it is about striving our best to look at all sides and doing unto others as we want to be done unto us. Giving every person the benefit of the doubt. Online Learning There are debates nowadays over online learning versus traditional learning. The article titled â€Å"Why Online Education Works†. It targets on the positive aspects of online college classes. The article states that online learning changes how universities teach which in turn there are significant advantages to it. The author, Alex Tabarrok describes the advantages of online education as leverage, which includes that the college student possesses the opportunity to be taught by the finest instructors, teachers can easily access more students, it can be time-saving, and it gives the student flexibility as well as more individualized teaching. I selected this subject because I understand the importance of online education and I as well think it is a great alternative to attending class. Many students nowadays are not the conventional learner and have to work and don't possess the time to commit in a classroom because of the type of employment I do. Needing to work a full-time job without having a regular schedule can make it tough to make it to school in time, this really is a primary reason it does work best for me. There is a lot to consider when deciding which course type, online or conventional will work best for you so you must be sure you are taking into account all sides, weighing out the advantages and drawbacks. The discussion Alex Tabarrok is establishing in the article is that online learning is significantly increasing the productivity and quality of educating. The argument relies on the author's analysis regarding how there has been little change to educational institutions that had been in a position to maintain their existence and how online education can possibly reach more students. He provides examples of the drawbacks to late night classes and how fatigue generally sets in after 9:30 pm. He also offers the argument of learners not being able to retain as much when they take a night course or their instructor being as sharp as they need to be due to the fatigue. The quality of knowledge being given or what the student is retaining will decrease due to being exhausted. The student will never be giving their best and they will not be getting the best from their instructor either (Tabarrok, 2012). Alex Tabarrok claims that the learners can be taught by the best instructors online and teachers may teach students from worldwide. To support this claim he uses the example of how his 15-minute TED talk video was among his best 15 minutes of teaching and was viewed over 700,000 times. That is similar to 175,000 student hours. Though TED talks are not regarded as a course that can count toward a degree, these are totally free and we can learn from them. He compares teaching today to a stage play, and online education is more similar to a movie. The reasons used to back up the claim of quality in the instructor is because, for a movie, the actors are better compared to the typical stage actor. Movie actors are better than the average stage actor for the reason that you have more time to prepare to be sure it is your best work. This is one-way online education leverages the power of the best instructors (Tabarrok, 2012). This is often regarded as biased since he is making the assumption that an online teacher is superior to a classroom teacher. Comparing a classroom teacher to a stage actor and an online instructor to a movie star is not a good explanation. An objection referred to with online education is the fact the classroom experience provides a greater opportunity for individualized learning, Alex Tabarrok see's it as the exact opposite.His argument is because online learning may be much more customized because you are not sitting in a classroom with 100 different students, it is more one on one along with you and the teacher. You will have the chance to ask questions and interact with the professor along with other individuals through electronic mail and discussion posts. His analysis demonstrated that at Virginia Tech, classes of 100-plus are not uncommon. It can be difficult for anyone in the classroom to have a chance to ask questions due to if every student has a question to ask, you will not have any time for the lesson. An example provided is in a class of 50, in the event that each learner got a question, there would be no time for a lecture. Questions could be asked at any time and do not interfere with a session. Also, professors who teach online courses are placed to a greater slandered due to the possibility of review. Which means that errors made by the teacher through online learning are easily caught through the classroom, the likelihood is no one is going to catch it. For instance, in the event that a student asks an instructor a question in the classroom, the teacher may answer incorrectly and it would most likely never be caught however this is not the case with online courses in which everything the instructor communicates is documented. He additionally points out that when in a classroom and 20% of the class requires something repeated, 80% of the students that got it are experiencing to hear it over again while the online students are actually in power over what they need to listen to the second time (Tabarrok, 2012).The most significant benefit of online learning is the flexibility. You can focus on your assignments when it is most convenient for you given that online programs offer 24/7 accessibility to the lesson's materials. A number of individuals may do their best work in the morning while some might at night, this allows you to do your work in the course of the hours you will be most productive (Hickey, 2017). It also helps if you are working full time and can't conveniently make it to school.Although Alex Tabarrok has a credential as an author, co-author, chairperson, director of research and co-founder of the online educational platform Marginal Revolution University and Professor of Economics at George Mason University, his arguments do not possess a lot of credibilities and are biased. For example, he uses the Ted Talk comparing it to teaching which is assuming that viewing the video is the equivalent of learning. He also fails to provide any specific counterarguments in his article to compare any other side. Although he gives numerous examples to back up his reasons he fails to present outside resources to back up each of his claims. Without having outside sources, it is hard to understand if the information he is providing in his argument is reliable or not.My point of view of my alternative argument is the fact that online learning can work and does provide many advantages. My premise is that technology has a positive roll in student learning since it is convenient and you obtain faster feedback on online education. I produce this claim as a result of the e-assessments which have been carried out and the results for online learning have been positive. This argument considers the effect of e-assessments. An e-assessment is referred to as the iterative procedures of developing what, how much and how well students are learning with regards to the education goals and projected results in an effort to inform designed formative feedback and support further learning (Baleni, A.G. pg2). A number of weak points in this argument are that online education might not work for everyone and additional research needs to be done to conclude if it is in fact better.An opposing side of the argument that I notice is the fact there is an intense requirement for self-discipline and although technology can play a positive role there can be limitations also. Alex Tabarrok doesn't discuss either of them in his argument of how online education is better nevertheless I consent that this could be an issue. When it comes to self-discipline, the article mentions how meeting the deadlines for assignments and tests can be hard unless you possess time management techniques and organization skill sets to stay on top of your work. With regards to the technological innovation, you must be sure that you always have accessibility to the internet considering that for any reason your system crashes or perhaps you don't have accessibility to the web you will have a backup plan.personally, I think that as a result of online education works for me, I am can be biased. The flexibility has afforded me the possibility to continue my learning while working full time. I don't always catch on as fast as other individuals so I need more time to work on assignments and usually require additional clarification on precisely what is expected however I am still capable to get it done due to the overall flexibility. In a classroom, I don't think I would feel at ease asking questions so it is less difficult online in which the communication between learners and the teacher is mainly one on one. I want to be open-minded and examine all sides of the arguments and feel that online education will work but may not be for everybody.Basically, I feel that online learning is beneficial but you need to be very self-disciplined and make sure you stay in front of your work and be prepared for any kind of challenges you may encounter. You have to create a connection with the professor and peers and stay engaged in the discussions. It will be helpful to be computer literate making sure you are utilizing all assets provided to you by the school.My initial opinions after reading Alex Tabarrok's article was that he made many legitimate points. That was not until I conducted further research and allowed myself to step back, reevaluate and ask questions that I understood his article was way more one-sided and biased. The questions I looked at to answer were, exactly what resources did he use, was his argument based upon facts and evidence or maybe opinions, furthermore, did he offer reasons why you should support his statements that were convincing. I had to ask myself how strong was his argument and can I find leads to refute it based on evidence. I had to put in writing a number of reasons exactly why I supported his side and then the reason why I would not examine whether an individual could argue that with me. How certain was I of my argument? This assisted me to believe logically and provide you with my conclusion. I think everybody is a little biased but we have to make sure we are doing the proper research and holding an open mind. It truly is about the facts along with the proof to support the claim. Keeping an open mind and trying to concentrate on the facts and proof will help everyone greatly in our daily lives. Often we jump to conclusions and allow our emotions get in the way. I have usually said doing the right thing is normally the toughest and trying to not be biased and act on emotions can be extremely difficult. We are only human and will fall short every day, it is about striving our best to look at all sides and doing unto others as we want to be done unto us. Giving every person the benefit of the doubt.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Diversity Is All Of Us, And About Us - 900 Words

A writer named Jacqueline Woodson once said that; â€Å"Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together.† This means that diversity is all about differences, because no two people are exactly the same. This includes, races, ethnicities, gender, religions, beliefs, favorites, opinions, style, learning style and anything else that makes someone who they are as a person. This definition of diversity coincides almost identically with inclusive ideas in regards to disabilities. The question I have, however, is whether or not Inclusive Theories can be used when there are no children with disabilities present in the classroom. In an attempt to come up with an answer I interviewed a second grade teacher, Ms. Smith* at a Quaker school. Inclusion is formally defined as an approach wherein students with special educational needs spend most or all of their time with non-disabled student (Wikipedia). Which can be summed up as how a ge neral education classroom will have students with disabilities either full time of eighty percent of the time. Ms. Smith’s definition of inclusion was that all diverse learners are supported in the classroom. She does not refer to it as for the children with or without disabilities but all the children. When asked more about inclusion Ms. Smith explains, â€Å" you can meets the needs of all by using the needs of one.† Although, she does not formally have any disabled students in her classroom she usesShow MoreRelatedDiversity Of Culture And Human Relations850 Words   |  4 PagesAfter this course, my perception of diversity of culture and human relations is significantly changed. Even though I thought I knew about diversity, I realized that I did not know so much about it. I learned the positive perception of diversity of culture and our relationship with others in everyday life. 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We may have a concept about happiness, about freedom, about the future, and we tend to impose these concepts on other races, other groups, other cultures, other countries, and we create suffering for them. We think that everybody must accept and live up to our political model in order to qualify as a civilized people. Thinking this way is like tying ourselves up with rope and using the same rope to tie up everybody else. Cultural and racialRead MoreRacial Diversity: A Strategy Toward Success Essay1090 Words   |  5 PagesRacial diversity is the idea of having people of different backgrounds working together for one common foundation. While some may believe that racial diversity is a way to discriminate people but I think that racial diversity helps us in many ways, some are observable and some are imperceptible. I think that racial diversity is a good strategy, it also is a great way to learn about people of diverse cultures and how their principles can operate within one another. 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His point also lets me rethink that America tries to keep different groups to  ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬-build a good community. However, I totally disagree with his mainRead MoreMy Reflection On The Event1327 Words   |  6 PagesSummary At the beginning and before I write my reflection about the event, I want to thank you Dr. Robinson for your suggestion to attend the event, because this events it is the first one to me in this university. I learned a lot of information about other cultures and I benefited from the experience and culture of its presenters. The event’s title was diversity and leadership, it was divided into four sections, as follows: 1- Forms of Diversity. 2- Leader’s Transvers the Globe. 3- Minding the Gab.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Improving Applications of Virtual Reality in Education...

Virtual reality defined as to produce and create the effect of an interactive 3D world in which the objects have a sense of spatial presence by using computer technologies. Our perceptual and cognitive system will be presented by precise clues in order for our brain to interpret and understand those clues as outside object in 3D world. In addition, virtual reality suggest a lot of benefits and advantages to education of technical such as delivery information through multiple active channels, addressing of dissimilar learning styles, experiential-based learning and so on ( Bell Fogler, 2004, p 217). Range of education and preparation resources that can be utilized in virtual reality environment is increasing because demand of innovative†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, according to Shaojing Fan, Yongping Zhang, Jianbo Fan, Zhongkun He and Yu Chen (2010), virtual reality is an emerging technology with a variety of potential benefits for many aspects of education, medical tre atment, and scientific research. One of advantages of Virtual Reality is people can immerse themselves in an environment that would generally be unavailable due to cost, safety or perception restriction. Research by Abulrub, Attridge and Williams (2011) suggested that a new generation of engineering students is entering higher education level with their own worth computing knowledge and skills. They also have high expectations that their institutes will introduce them to suitable technologies for their successful transformation into industry. Technological requirements encounter academic institutions to adopt appropriate and suitable strategies in order to meet all of educational demand. Hence, virtual reality is one of the best solutions as its solution and advancement in immersive and interactive technologies can give visible and noticeable effects on different style and learning. Moreover, virtual reality known as technology that is attractive to students. Next, Virtual Reality m ight be a powerful and sophisticated tool for education in which it can enhances students understanding towards certain subjects. Virtual Reality’s application in education is greatly interactive computer based environment inShow MoreRelatedThe Future Of Virtual Reality1634 Words   |  7 PagesVirtual reality is a virtual environment created by use of technology which has enabled the creation of real experiences into our brains and senses. It fills in the gaps that are presented by other modes of communication by making it possible to use technology to create real experiences in the human life. Virtual reality is experienced in different fields and its future is dictated by its performance. Programmers have developed virtual reality devices based on the materials that conjure dreams inRead MoreThe Benefits of Virtual Technology in Education for Children with Special Needs1310 Words   |  6 Pages1.0 Introduction Education for children with special needs (disabled children) is the field of education that uses virtual reality to overcome the problems and defects in an artificial environment. Special education in Malaysia was started in 1920 by a handful of volunteers involved in the development of the deaf and blind school. 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Approaching it this way provides the basis for confidence, growth and efficiency. New business technologies are being created all the time, with exciting new developments which can assist staff members in meeting higher demands and working faster, more flexibly and more efficiently. But without the necessary experience, education or knowledge to useRead MoreMedical Technology Advantages And Disadvantages899 Words   |  4 Pagesfacility. Long Distance Technology -Other professions There are other industries aside from health care and education that benefit from the application of some of the technologies discussed in the case. The airline industry has benefited in areas such as connectivity, consumer empowerment, tracking technology, virtual reality, security and cloud innovations. Connectivity is continually improving in this industry. This benefit passengers, workers, companies, suppliers, and purchasing agent’s utilizationRead MoreThe Effect of Inflation in Ethiopia6723 Words   |  27 PagesEngineers, 18(2), 1995. Low Cost Virtual Reality and its Application to Chemical Engineering - Part Two John T. Bell H. Scott Fogler University of Michigan June 1995 Introduction and Update from Part One This article has been broken up into two parts, the first of which presented an introduction to virtual reality and some discussion of what low-cost hardware and software options are available3. This second part will cover some applications of virtual reality, including areas where VR is beingRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Human Interaction1384 Words   |  6 PagesSmartphones, in particular, spark significant concern since they are portable electronic devices with the functionality of numerous gadgets combined. Researchers are concerned about the tendency of people to merely replace experiences in reality with those of the virtual world within their phones. This matter holds relevance within today’s society since a notable percentage of humans own smartphones and the activities which they participate in with the device stretches from photography to games and toRead MoreThe Controversy of Artificial Intelligence1476 Words   |   6 Pagesmoves per second. ( AI also makes interactive electronic games more fun by making the computer controlled characters more realistic and human-like. AI in virtual reality enhances the experience of immersing oneself in a simulated gameworld, taking us one step closer towards achieving the holodeck experience (or virtual reality) as seen in the popular science-fiction television show Star Trek.( The Future The future benefits that AI will bring look optimistic. Already, AIRead MoreResearch Background And Significance Of Telemedicine1096 Words   |  5 Pagesor hospital office and patient. Rural area will get the benefit from this application. Patient monitoring is one of the telemedicine, which always needs improvement to make it better. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines telemedicine as: the practice of medical care using interactive audiovisual and information communications including medical care delivery, diagnosis, consultation and treatment, as well as education and the transmission of medical records . Another, Bauer and Ringel explainsRead MoreShared Virtual Space Technologies1963 Words   |  8 Pagesindustries in various ways such as education, communication and entertainment. In this paper I explore three types of advanced Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Tele-immersion technologies compare some distinguish characteristics between them as well as some of the ramification of these technologies on current and future life. Virtual Reality This topic was a sub-topic discussed in week 5 of the ISYS100 course which briefly introduced what Virtual Reality is about and how people perceive